The regions Saxony (Germany) and Lazio (Italy) collaborate in a regional partnership on various levels, including civil society. In the course of this partnership, citizens from Saxony and Lazio gather in Dresden at the end of October to discuss current topics of Europa during the Ventotene Forum.
We are at a turning point in the history of the EU: A new war emerges in Europe and, once again, the EU becomes a new hope for people fleeing from devastation and despair. Global crisis (climate change, war, pandemics) dictate the lives of young generations. Questions arise: How can sustainable peace be established? What role does the EU play in this process? How can it form a commong migration policy?
At the same time, the Conference on the Future of Europe has come to an end. The desire for a reform of the Treaties of the European Union is it's clear result. Why is a reform important to react to global crisis?
During the Forum, lasting several days, citizens from Saxony and Lazio have the opportunity to discuss their visions for the future of Europe. The exchange of perspectives, hopes and wishes will be supported by experts who will give input on four main themes.
Citizens from Saxony and Lazio, aged 18+, are cordially invited.
Impact Hub Galerie Dresden
Trompeterstr. 5
01069 Dresden
Travel cost, catering and accomodation:
Catering during the day and accomodation for participants that don't live in Dresden will be provided by the organiser.
Hotelrooms are booked for the nights 20.-21., 21.-22. and 22.-23.10.2022 in the B&B Hotel Dresden for all participants that have requested accommodation. If you wish to stay longer, please organise the extra nights privately.
Participants from Lazio will be granted a financial contribution to their travel cost up to 275,00 €, participants from Saxony will receive a reimbursement of 50,00 € and participants from Dresden a sum of 18,00 €. Please organise your journey privately and pay for the tickets in advance.
During the event you will receive a form for the reimbursement application. You will receive the reimbursement after the event, provided that you fit all the criteria (residing in Lazio, Saxony or Dresden).
Working groups will develop three to four proposals after each group phase. Those proposals will be summarised into joint statements in the plenary at the end of the forum.
Thursday, 20.10.2022: Day 1
14.00 - 15.00 Opening
Opening remarks: Diletta Alese - JEF Lazio, Emely Marie Schäfer - JEF Saxony, Ute Kluge - SLpB
15.00 - 16.00 Migration beyond emergency: how to institutionalize solidarity and respect human rights
Experts: Forum MIDEM - Dr. Oliviero Angeli, Dr. Mariana mendes, Cyrill Otteni, Giovanni de Ghantuz Cubbe; Diletta Alese - JEF Lazio
• Overcoming migration as an emergency, security risk, criminalisation
• Dublin regulation, capacity of member states
• effects of migration on the EU
• common migration policy
• transformation of society regarding views on migration, community with shared values, diversity
16.00 - 17.00 working groups
17.00 - 18.00 plenary debate
Intervention: State Sectretary Mathias Weilandt, Saxon State Ministry of Justice, Democracy, European Affairs and Gender Equality.
Friday, 21.10.2022: Day 2
10.00 - 11.00 A European foreign policy: how to guarantee peace in war times in a multipolar world?
Experts: Federico Castiglioni - Researcher Instituto Affari Internazionali, Clara Föller - JEF Germany
• perspectives of a common european foreign policy
• effects of a european defense policy in a multilateral world
• old and new imperial power, international anarchy, authoritatian states
• how can sustainable peace be achieved and a new model of multilateralism be established?
11.00 - 12.00 working groups
12.00 - 13.00 plenary debate
Cultural program: Visit to the Deutsches Hygiene Museum (DHMD), exhibitions: "Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning - Human Dreams" and "Fake: The whole truth".
Optional self led tour through Dresden "A city walk in 13 tracks - on the persecution and annihilation of jews in Dresden 1933-1945".
Saturday, 22.10.2022: Day 3
10.00 - 11.00 The crisis generation: a global perspective of today's challenges
Experts: Antonio Argenziano - JEF Europe, Jacopo Barbati - editor The New Federalist, Virgilio Falco - International Young Democrat Union, Fabian Funke - Member of the German Parliament
• Introduction to current global emergencies and challenges
• migration, climate change, war, crisis of multilateralism
• the meaning of globalisation and interdepencies
• the youth as a crisis generation
11.00 - 12.00 working groups
12.00 - 13.00 plenary debate
15.00 - 16.00 How to reform the European Union: perspectives for our future to respond to global challenges and promote fundamental values
Experts: Matthias Ecke - MEP, Virgilio Dastoli - European Movement Italy, Christopher Glück - former persident JEF Europe now working as EU Analyst, Emely Marie Schäfer - JEF Saxony
• Turning point: Reform of the Treaties after the CoFoE
• Possible reform setups and processes
• The role of civil society movements and citizens
• Reform of the EU as an answer to global challenges
16.00 - 17.00 working groups
17.00 - 18.00 plenary debate
Sunday, 23.10.2022: Day 4
10.00 – 11.00 summary of group statements
11.00 – 12.00 plenary debate & agreement on the final statement of working groups on the future of Europe
12.00 – 13.00 final presentation and closing remarks
Closing remarks: Diletta Alese - JEF Lazio, Katharina Wolf - EUD Saxony
Conditions of participation and registration:
Participants must be aged 18+. Registration via the form down below. Registration deadline: 30.09.2022.
Since the number of participants is limited we reserve the right to select participants. Participants from disadvantaged backgrounds will receive preferential treatment. Information related to this can be given voluntarily. We will inform you about your acceptance / rejection by October 5th 2022.
The event will be held in English. Therefore, good english skills are an important requirement to participate. It is within the discretion of participants to judge if they fulfull this requirement.
By registrating you accept that we save and handle your personal data in accordance to the DSGVO. Read the full daa protection declaration here.
The Saxon Ministry of Justice, Democracy, Europe and Equality finances this event. SMJusDEG and EUD Sachsen are responsible for the data processing (Joint Controller Statement).